3042 Galaxies are Intelligent Living Beings

New findings in gravitational astronomy confirm an 800-year-old physics theory. The data show that event horizons of black holes have macroscopically structured envelopes. This proves the theory of hyper-isochoric scaling of the spin graph quantum spacetime at supermassive black holes.

More than 1000 years of astronomical data on galactic dynamics are reviewed returning amazing results: supermassive black holes are intelligent beings. They live many million times slower than we do. Yet, they actively manipulate their own galaxy on time scales of millions of years and move purposefully in intergalactic space.

Just above the event horizon of super massive black holes (SMBH) there is a layer of chaotic space-time fluctuations where patterns of organized structures can emerge. The complexity of these emergent – self-organizing – structures is comparable to the brain of other intelligent beings, possibly even much greater.

Under the conditions near the event horizon, spacetime is subject to a strong relativistic dilation. Just above the event horizon, where the dilation tends toward infinity, there is a shell around the SMBH where spacetime is isochoric – volume preserving – scaled up to macroscopic dimensions. This means, that the spin quantum numbers of space quanta are identical at scales far above the Planck length. Hence the space-time quanta become macroscopic. Even closer to the event horizon the space-time quanta reach astronomical scales. Finally, the event horizon itself is a single space-time quantum, frozen by infinite time dilation. The edge of the black hole, the event horizon is at the same time astronomically large and infinitesimally small. It basically is a giant point in space.

Just above the event horizon where dilation is not yet infinite, there are macroscopic quantum fluctuations of spacetime happening in slow motion. These macro-quanta interact with their environment. They react to external magnetic fields, and they influence each other. Mutual interactions and feedback enable the formation of oscillations, of standing waves, semi-permanent patterns, and of other self-organized structures. In some cases, such structures are processing and storing information. Each of them extending over many scaled space quanta and therefore also being of macroscopic size, meters or even kilometers. Their number is very large because the volume in which these processes take place is enormous. It is the envelope of the event horizon with a radius of millions or even billions of kilometers and a ridiculously large surface. The quantum shell of a supermassive black hole is a kind of graviton-based computer the size of a star system. Its information processing is so complex that it resembles cognitive processes.

However, its size also means that information processing is slow because the speed of light is always the same, even at the event horizon. Gravitational effects of space-time fluctuations propagate at the speed of light while having to bridge astronomical distances. Therefore, information processing take place on a vastly different time scale compared to our brains. The fastest vegetative reaction to sensory stimuli can take days instead of milliseconds as in our case, which makes their perceived time much slower. Thought processes might well be 100 million times slower than ours.

For these "beings" a full galactic rotation then subjectively takes only a few years, instead of our 250 million years. Being born a few hundred million years after the Big Bang they built their galaxies by growing – grazing – on intergalactic matter, later even assimilating – feeding on – other galaxies. This process took billions of years. Hence there was no time for multiple generations and evolution as we know it. Since there was not enough time for them to develop evolutionarily, all structures must be emergent.

There is evidence in the astronomical data that large galaxies show planned behavior. At a distance of 430 million light-years there is a galaxy cluster where 15 galaxies with large SMBHs surround 300 smaller galaxies. Their vectors resemble a coordinated encircling motion. The galaxy cluster, which previously had the anonymous name CL-153-356, was therefore renamed Wolfpack-3042A.

These supposedly intelligent beings are now called Simbas. The term is derived from the abbreviation SMBH with reference to their predator-like behavior. This name distinguishes the "thinking" envelope of the event horizon from the underlying black hole. The SMBH is only the generator while the Simba is an emergent being and the galaxy is its body.

Simulations show that millions of solar masses are necessary for cognitive processes. It can be concluded that the Simbas of small galaxies live mostly vegetatively. If at all, they react reflexively to their environment. However, there are also doubts because in our biology reflexes had been developed by evolution instead of emerging in just one generation. This means that small galaxies do not react and that they are more like our plants in the intergalactic food chain. Larger Simbas probably have higher cognitive processes and would thus take the role of our animals: herbivores or predators.

Predatory hunting though requires purposeful movements. Simbas can certainly influence the magnetic field of their black hole allowing them to move in intergalactic magnetic fields. They probably also control the jets of their black hole. So, they can generate thrust to change directions at will. Unfortunately, seeing only a snapshot we cannot easily determine whether the movements are purposeful or arbitrary. We know that galaxies are influenced not only by gravity but also by magnetic fields, jets and density waves in interstellar gas. But we do not know if these are conscious and intentional influences. We can only draw conclusions from formation like Wolfpack-3042A.

The question is whether planned and coordinated behavior must necessarily be associated with intelligence. Considering our terrestrial fauna higher cognitive functions almost inevitably lead to consciousness. Dolphins and monkeys for example recognize themselves in mirrors, the difference to human consciousness being only gradual. Although the analogy between galactic predators and terrestrial animals may impose itself, we must be careful with simple deductions, for it is questionable whether the mechanisms of evolutionarily developed biological brains can be transferred to emergently organized aggregates of upscaled quantum fluctuations at galactic supermassive black holes, even though both have the ability to think. Nevertheless, it is now assumed that all large SMBHs have Simbas with conscious intelligence.

In principle, the required organization is a random effect. This could mean that it occurs only sporadically. So, there might be only few conscious galactic beings in a large biotope of non-intelligent galaxies. But model calculations show that the self-organization of an initially chaotic space-time is almost inevitable. The first pattern formation is spontaneous and random. Then the organized patterns expand until the cover the entire envelope of the event horizon. The ordering is a phase change like the crystallization of a liquid where a crystal nucleus in a supercooled liquid spontaneously arranges the entire liquid into the crystal structure. The randomly occurring phase change event can take a long time to start. But after 13 billion years probably all large SMBHs have generated their Simbas.

If we consider that the motion of large Simbas and their galaxies is planned rather than random, then collisions of galaxies appear in a different light. When a small galaxy collides with a large one, we can assume that the small galaxy is eaten by the other. Stars and gas of the prey galaxy are added to the hunter's galaxy body. The central black hole of the prey is swallowed by the large SMBH increasing the capacity of the Simba.

Collisions of galaxies with roughly equally large SMBHs end more dramatically, either by violently merging or by destroying both galaxies. All the collisions we observe with large SMBHs are intentional, by one or by both parties. Yet, mergers of large galaxies also allow another interpretation. Since the merging of Simbas significantly changes and enlarges their capacity, two individuals become a more powerful new one. In this case the collision would be an intentional process in order to make a big step forward on the intelligence scale. Such an event may be intended by both parties or imposed by one on the other.

If we now assume that this process cannot be an instinctive act, since instinct and reflexes are evolutionary and not emergent properties, then the question arises what drives galaxies to merge and how do they know that merging may be advantageous. A possible answer is that Simbas actually have logical and foresighted thought processes, so they are not just the equivalent of only our animals. A quite plausible theory, which is supported by simulations, assumes that SMBHs develop conscious intelligence very quickly after the phase transition to an ordered regime. For smaller SMBHs this takes statistically longer. Therefore, smaller SMBHs are usually not intelligent. All large ones are intelligent individuals, their capacity growing with the volume of their macroscopic quantum envelope, in other words: with the mass of the SMBH.

Their processing power might even grow with the square of the mass. An SMBH that is a thousand times bigger than Sagittarius A in our Milky Way, has a quantum envelope that is a million times larger. However, this does not mean that they are a million times more intelligent. Presumably, intelligence is not directly proportional to capacity and there may also be certain limiting factors unknown to us. But it is quite possible that there are galaxies out there that are much more intelligent than we are: super-intelligences of galactic size in extreme slow motion.

They would probably be far superior to us if only they were to notice us. But galaxies are not interested in us biological beings. They are living slowly on a grand scale. They only notice events that last a million years affecting millions of stars. The rise and fall of our empires complete evades them. We are the microbes of our galaxy. Only a civilization of 2.5 on the Kardashev scale could cause stomachache to our galaxy. Until we are there, the Milky Way lives its life, and we live ours, spatially interwoven, but still completely independent, separated by different time scales and orders of magnitude.

Until now, it has been assumed that our Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy will collide in four billion years. However, we now know that galaxies can change their motion voluntarily at any time – in time scales of millions of years. Perhaps there is no collision intended at all. Maybe they are just getting closer. Both are flying in the direction of the so-called Great Attractor, a gravitational anomaly 200 million light-years away. Their common speed of 700 km/s is much higher than their relative motion. And since their current distance is only 1/100 of the total distance to the Great Attractor, they are much more flying side by side than into each other anyway.

Milky Way and Andromeda are not just passive objects attracted by gravity. They are connected by faint streams of stars and bridges of intergalactic hydrogen and might well be considered two friends holding hands on their long journey to the Great Attractor.

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