The History of the Future
From Early Settlements in the Sol System to an Interstellar Civilization
A History Book
The history of the future told in many events, discoveries, and inventions in technology, economy, and society.
Hard SciFi
Based on science: futuorology, real physics, possible technology.

Interplanetary and Interstellar
Humanity expands into its solar system. The interplanetary civilization develops with inventions and discoveries, politics and intrigues. Interplanetary powers come and go.
Then the stars. Initially, FTL drives ships are slower than the speed of light and bold missions explore the unknown fringes.
Later, humanity is drawn into the dramatic development of its interstellar neighborhood and must learn the hard way, that stability is not a given.
2337 Lunar Takeover
2333 Metric Impulse Drive
2326 No Interplanetary War
2303 Space Trader Coup
2312 Alien Spaceship
2231 United Planets
2321 Earth Isolation
2318 Earth Union
2291 Illegal Research
2284 Great Separation
2247 Quantum Leap
2248 Gemini Disaster
2234 Orbit's End
2222 Space Piracy
2205 Corporate Cosmos
2197 Lunar Revolt
2179 Private Asteroid Base
2158 Space Patrol
2154 New Living Space
3308 Supernova
All Topics
Accidents - Adventures - Alien Visitors - Aliens - Artificial Intelligence - Biology and Ecology - Catastrophes - Conspiracies - Crimes - Culture - Discoveries - Economy - Epidemics - Exciting Events - More Luck Than Sense - People - Philosophy and Religion - Politics - Science - Space Flight - Statistics - Technology - Things - Upgrades - War - Wonders
Wide Arcs

The first supernova withing reach. Countless visitors come to be there, when the big star explodes.
The Great Expansion
There are still lots of small an short entries. The are great ideas and great milestones. They deserve more detail and love. First results of the expansion campaign:
2136 1000 in Space
2154 New Living Space
2155 Asteroid Mining
2158 Space Patrol
2179 Private Asteroid Base
2182 End of Venus Terraforming
2187 Moon Deportations
2192 Anti-Expansionist Terror
2197 Lunar Revolt
2205 Corporate Cosmos
2222 Space Piracy
2231 United Planets
2234 Orbit's End
2247 Quantum Leap
2248 Gemini Disaster
2269 1 Million in Space
2284 Great Separation
2291 Illegal Research
2293 Expansionist Uprising
2302 Solar Coalition
2303 Space Trader Coup
2312 Alien Spaceship
2318 Earth Union
2321 Earth Isolation
2326 No Interplanetary War
2333 Metric Impulse Drive
2337 Lunar Takeover

First Humanity
The shared history of humans and Kisori is much older than thought. 14,000 years ago, humanity betrayed the Golden Empire. And was terribly punished for it.

Hard Science Fiction Meta List
Atomic Rockets Project
TV Tropes: Speculative Science
23 quite hard SF
hardsf.de: Brandon Q. Morris
Latest Translations
2101 Smart Fusion
2141 Big 5 in South America
2222 Space Piracy
2234 Orbit's End
2247 Quantum Leap
2248 Gemini Disaster
2265 Eco-Militarism
2291 Illegal Research
2307 Fractal Drive
2337 Lunar Takeover
2460 Ecological Turnaround
2501 Extraplanetary Exploration
2536 Collision Course
2560 Alien Tech
2587 Alien Wars
2646 Attorney for the Aliens
2668 Ultra Metals
2681 An Ancient Robot Civilization
2722 His Life for the Children
2750 Executive Decision
2786 Unimpeded Development
2791 A Contour Vehicle Comes to Visit
2844 Digital Discovery
2956 Feudal Conspiracy
2969 1000 Years After The Moon Landing
2997 Alien Religions in Conflict
3061 End of the Warring Swarms Period
3090 Solo Honor
3110 Fragmentary Outer System
3116 Rebellion on the Moon
3190 Surprise Attack
3340 Strategic Initiative
Latest Articles
2091 Tree of Life
2154 New Living Space
2158 Space Patrol
2179 Private Asteroid Base
2197 Lunar Revolt
2205 Corporate Cosmos
2222 Space Piracy
2231 United Planets
2234 Orbit's End
2247 Quantum Leap
2248 Gemini Disaster
2284 Great Separation
2291 Illegal Research
2303 Space Trader Coup
2312 Alien Spaceship
2318 Earth Union
2321 Earth Isolation
2326 No Interplanetary War
2333 Metric Impulse Drive
2337 Lunar Takeover
2794 Prophet of the Galactic Traders
2915 FTL Capable Railgun
2949 Queen of Marduk
3050 Knights of the Royal Guard
3308 Supernova
3353 The Biggest Party
3361 First Humanity
3365 A Quantum Leap
100 Things
The things we deal with on a daily basis shape our everyday life. They are often characteristic of their time. They show how people live and what's important to them. In fact, they are much closer to us than news reports, history book entries, and grand politics. That's why I want to show 100 objects from the next 1000 years, even if they are not always everyday items. Highlights:
2051 Neuro Implant
2071 Delivery Bot
2081 Coding-Kit
2091 Tree of Life
3296 Dragon Legends